Thursday, March 3, 2016

009 - Here's the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice by Maureen McCormick

“From what I've been able to figure out, all of us are here together and we need one another. We must celebrate each others differences. Learning to ask for help is as important as learning the value of helping other people. I believe all the people in my life have been there for a reason, and I hope I have been in theirs for a reason as well. It's taken me a while, but I feel truly blessed. After all is said and done, I love life, I love people, and I love being me.”

I grew up  watching The Brady Bunch. I am great at Brandy Bunch Show  trivia  and I even already knew most of the  behind the scenes stuff that she shared about  her time on the show. Nothing  in that area was all that shocking to me.  But, her more personal and private  life that she opened up about in the book shocked me. It saddened  me and it  made me admire  her more for  what she managed to  live  through and pull herself out  of. 
My heart  breaks for her  for what she was still going through at the time the book was written/published (2009) with her brother and her father. I hope they were able to find some  sort  of peace with everything.

As with most  tv star biographies  we learned that everything  was  not nearly as perfect in real life as  it was  for their  on screen characters. Maureen  spent almost 30 years feeling depressed  stressed and  like she was  or very well may go  insane. She struggled with a huge drug  problem for many  years. All of this  fuled  many years  of up and downs for  her. When she was finally able to find  her way through those nightmares slowly  becoming the person she and the people that  loved her always  knew she was  deep down  inside  her  life was again turned upside down when  her  mother got sick and  the events that followed that with her brother Kevin and her father  are probably worse in a lot of ways then  her  years struggling with drugs and anxiety.  It was  brave  of  her to share her story  of the elder abuse of her father at the hands of  her brother Kevin. I am not sure  what the outcome  of this was as  it was still going on at the time  the book came out.  I do hope the family was  able to find peace though. 

This was a good read. It wasn't really the light funny  read I was going  for as a distraction from the other book I am reading but  it was still a page turner and I enjoyed  it. I gave it 3 out  of 5 stars on goodreads. 

I am still currently  reading Best Friends Forever  by Jennifer Weiner 

I am still  on track with  my goal  of 50 books this year.

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