Sunday, January 24, 2016

002 - Hello, It's Me by Wendy MarkHam

Hello, it's me
I've thought about us for a long, long time
Maybe I think too much but something's wrong
There's something here that doesn't last too long
Maybe I shouldn't think of you as mine
Hello, it's me
I've thought about us for a long, long time
Maybe I think too much but something's wrong
There's something here that doesn't last too long
Maybe I shouldn't think of you as mine

I grabbed this book to read  because I got  in  on part  of  it in movie form on Halmark and wanted to read the book. As  usual I think I liked the book  more then I liked the movie but for the  most part the two  are completely  different from  each other  minus the  main plot  points  of a young  mother Annie  trying to move on after her husband dies suddenly.  But she doesn't really want to  move on  to start with and keeps calling her husband's  cellphone just to hear  his outgoing message. As  she does this though  it seems as though  her husband (Andre)  is trying to reach out to her through the phone. She belivies she can hear his voice off in the distance  in spurts and fragments  when she calls his phone  during times  of bad weather.    Enters James  though. A handsome wealthy  young  man that is quickly  taken with her  and her young children. 

It is a good story. Sad and a very real  in  moments as you see Annie struggle with the promises that she made to Andre  "One love; one lifetime"  and realizing that she can  love again with James even though  part  of  her  doesn't want to  let go  of Andre. 

I gave this  one 4  out  of 5 stars  on goodreads.   The subplot stories in the book were also  better in the book then in the movie. It gave you  more insight  into James'  side  of  trying to figure  out where his  place in Annie's life was suppose to be because he honestly does want to respect   her and the memory  of Andre  

Technically  this is my  third  book  of the year but  my 2nd one  is part  of a compilations  or stories that I will review together when I finish (but I get to count  each  part as one book on goodreads. So win win. 

So right now I am  reading:  Complete Harmony by Julia Kent  &  Tricky Twenty-Two by Janet Evanovich. 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

001 - When You Return to Me (Short Story) by Dana Marton

This  was a free kindle  read that I came across and downloaded because it was  free(!) and said it was a short story. Admittedly that was my draw  to start  because I haven't been able to get into my 'reading mode' yet this year and I was hoping that a short story would  jump start me. At least  get me  back to 'on track' as I already fell behind. 
This is a short story that I have a feeling comes at the end  or at  least in the middle of the author's series (Broslin Creek) but  not having read any  of the other stories  doesn't take anything away from this sweet Christmas time story. 

You get a glimpse  into the life  of Maggie who has  lost her true  love Cam (Cameron) 4 years earlier to war. Her struggle  to still come to grasp with  the idea that everyone  believes him dead and gone but she just can't seem to bring her heart to  believe this.

Listen to the wind, it talks
Listen to the silence, it speaks
Listen to your heart, it knows. 

This was my first  read from this author and I enjoyed  it. I have  downloaded the 1st book in the series now to  read later :)  I gave it a goodreads  rating  of 4 out  of 5  

50 Books in 2016

I have challenged  myself to read 50 books in 2016. I did this in 2015 too but I fell 3 books short. Let's hope 2016  goes better and maybe I even  beat the goal. We shall see. I plan to use this  blog pretty much  only to post  book  thoughts but I  may throw some  other stuff in a long the way.